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  • AVN-101 HCl 1061354-48-0 Bulk in stock(Sun-shine chemical)

Sun-shine 2022-9-7 16:31 318
IP: 湖北武汉
AVN-101 is a very potent 5-HT7 receptor antagonist (Ki = 153 pM), with slightly lesser potency toward 5-HT6, 5-HT2A, and 5HT-2C receptors (Ki = 1.2–2.0 nM). AVN-101 also exhibits a rather high affinity toward histamine H1 (Ki = 0.58 nM) and adrenergic α2A, α2B, and α2C (Ki = 0.41–3.6 nM) receptors. AVN-101 shows a good oral bioavailability and facilitated brain-blood barrier permeability, low toxicity, and reasonable efficacy in animal models of CNS diseases. The Phase I clinical study indicates the AVN-101 to be well tolerated when taken orally at doses of up to 20 mg daily. It does not dramatically influence plasma and urine biochemistry, nor does it prolong QT ECG interval, thus indicating low safety concerns. The primary therapeutic area for AVN-101 to be tested in clinical trials would be Alzheimer’s disease. However, due to its anxiolytic and anti-depressive activities, there is a strong rational for it to also be studied in such diseases as general anxiety disorders, depression, schizophrenia, and multiple sclerosis.



武汉永璨生物科技有限公司是一家从事新药相关化合物、医药原料药、中间体、有机合成砌块、高端试剂等研发和销售的高新技术企业。我们提供的特色服务包括:手性药物的技术开发以及活性分子库的开发。 武汉永璨生物拥有1500多平方米的经营场所。研发实验室1000多平方米,配备多种研发实验室设备。质控管理实验室200多平方米,配备高效液相色谱仪、数显熔点仪、数显旋光仪、紫外分光光度计等,建有1公斤级中级实验室,可确保客户需求不断增长,顺利上市生产。公司与武汉大学武汉生物技术研究所建立了良好的合作关系,开展了多种创造性的研发合作活动,可以方便地使用他们的核磁共振、质谱、液质联用、单晶衍射等精密仪器用于研究。 公司已具备的仪器设备等硬件条件,充分满足各类项目的生产需求。武汉永璨生物注重专业技术人才的引进和培养。从研发到生产、销售,我们建立了一套科学的管理体系。研发中心采用项目管理制度,为每个研发项目设立项目负责人,并配备研发团队负责产品开发。我们依靠先进的设备和严格的管理为每一位客户提供优质的产品和服务!

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