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  • Pacritinib SB1518 937272-79-2 (bulk in stock) Sun-shine chemical

Sun-shine 2022-9-2 10:12 119
IP: 湖北武汉
Pacritinib (puh-CRIT-i-nib) is an oral tyrosine kinase inhibitor (TKI) with activity against two important activating mutations: Janus Associated Kinase 2 (JAK2) and FMS-like tyrosine kinase 3 (FLT3). The JAK family of enzymes is a central component in signal transduction pathways, which are critical to normal blood cell growth and development as well as inflammatory cytokine expression and immune responses. Activating mutations of JAK2 are implicated in certain blood-related cancers, including myeloproliferative neoplasms (MPNs), leukemia and certain solid tumors. FLT3 is a gene commonly found mutated in patients with acute myeloid leukemia (AML). Pacritinib has demonstrated encouraging results in Phase 1 and 2 studies for patients with myelofibrosis and may offer an advantage over other JAK inhibitors through effective treatment of symptoms while having less treatment-emergent thrombocytopenia and anemia than has been seen in currently approved and in-development JAK inhibitors.


Contact:Wuhan Sun-shine Bio-technologyCorporation Limited
Add: Building C16, No.388Gaoxin 2Road, East Lake Hi-tech Development Zone, Wuhan 430200, China
Tel: +86-27-65522452


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