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  • Posted @SELL
  • IPI-549 IPI549 1693758-51-8 (bulk in stock) Sun-shine chemical

Sun-shine 2022-9-1 10:00 113
IP: 湖北武汉
IPI-549 is a potent and selective phosphoinositide-3-kinase (PI3K) Inhibitor as an Immuno-Oncology Clinical Candidate (Kd = 0.29 nM). Bioactivity data of IPI-549: biochemcial IC50 (nM) for PI3K isoform: 3200 (); 3500 (); 16 (); and >8400 () respectively. Cellar IC50 (nM) of IPI549 for PI3K isoform: 250 (); 240 (); 1.6 (); and 180 () respectively. IPI-549 shows >100-fold selectivity over other lipid and protein kinases. IPI-549 demonstrates favorable pharmacokinetic properties and robust inhibition of PI3K- mediated neutrophil migration in vivo and is currently in Phase 1 clinical evaluation in subjects with advanced solid tumors.


Contact:Wuhan Sun-shine Bio-technologyCorporation Limited
Add: Building C16, No.388Gaoxin 2Road, East Lake Hi-tech Development Zone, Wuhan 430200, China
Tel: +86-27-65522452


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