Axitinib, also known as AG013736, is an orally bioavailable tyrosine kinase inhibitor. Axitinib inhibits the proangiogenic cytokines vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) and platelet-derived growth factor receptor (PDGF), thereby exerting an anti-angiogenic effect. A xitinib has received FDA (27 January 2012), EMA (13 September 2012), MHRA (3 September 2012) and TGA (26 July 2012) approval for use as a treatment for renal cell carcinoma.
Contact:Wuhan Sun-shine Bio-technologyCorporation Limited Add: Building C16, No.388 Gaoxin 2Road, East Lake Hi-tech Development Zone, Wuhan 430200, China Tel: +86-27-65522452 QQ:1973737790 Web: